The cool air felt great after walking in the 113 degree heat that had engulfed this day, now sitting in the air conditioned office of the Commanding General Forward (CG FWD) for the 2nd Marine Logistics Group (MLG) I could not stop thinking how fortunate I am. Within 35 days of being in country I have had the unique privilege to have meetings with two Marine Corps Generals. My first with BGen Hanifen the CG FWD for the 2nd Marine Air Wing, and now BGen Kessler of the 2nd MLG.
This was a great interview with BGen Kessler and reminded me of two friends talking over coffee if you can imagine that. The BGen is a very personable and down to earth individual. I found myself once again sitting across a small coffee table with a General in a time of war. What a fantastic experience to discuss what is happening within the mind of a general officer while sitting in a combat zone. The interview lasted just under an hour and was great opportunity to delve inside the inner workings of the Marine Corps at war
There has also been some questions as what exactly a Marine Corps Field Historian does, let me give you the official definition:
" A field historian gathers Marine Corps history as it happens. The Field History detachment deploys historians with major combat commands and sends those Marines out to the front lines to record history in the making. These historians collect oral interviews, original documents, photographs, and artifacts that become the primary source materials for topical monographs, definitive histories, and museum exhibits"
The Gunner's version:
" I am here to capture Marine Corps history, I see with my own eyes and hear first hand accounts of battles and the workings of the Marine Corps at war. I live forward in a combat zone with my fellow Marines and make sure their story is captured and told for future generations. I am collecting Marine Corps history not for CNN or the Media but for the official history and archives of our Corps.
I hope this helps better understand my role here.
Thank you for the decription of what the historian does. How many of you are there at any given time? You have a very interesting job. How is your work edited or is it? I'm guessing some topics discussed with the MC Managment isn't privy to everyone. At least not at the time.
Thank you for the clarification, sir, and for keeping informed those of us who visit your site. I very much appreciate your putting yourself in harm's way to carry on this vlauable work. Your posts are looked forward to each day, as my way of remaining better informed on how the war is progressing...and I do believe that progress is being made. God Bless you and all who serve.
Veritas et Fidelis Semper
Great work.
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